Sunday, September 28, 2008

Analysis Revisited: ECW's moving day

I made this analysis before one day, and just like before, it will be short, because there isn't much to say about the matter except the brass tax of it all. So, here goes nothing.

As you know, ECW is doing the big move this coming tuesday on September 30. On that day, it moves from 10 P.M. to 9 P.M. on the Sci-Fi Channel. This is actually considered to be a great thing. Now, ECW is at an earlier time, and those whom the WWE is looking to get as their target audience should have a better chance to watch it without time being a factor. This is the best move for the WWE to make for ECW. It's perfect. Now, here's why it doesn't work.

The number one reason and the only reason I can think of that will hurt this change is this: ratings. Now, I know you're instantly thinking that ratings would actually be a positive here, but I'm thinking not. Why? Here's why: ECW was maintaining some semblance of ratings at 10 P.M. b/c it was unapposed. I mean, sure there was Law and Order and Dog: The Bounty Hunter, and such, but the people watching this were not the people who were watching this new ECW. It was probably because they were either not wrestling fans or fed up with what they were seeing on television. Now, ECW is moving to 9 P.M. and its fans have changed to somewhat casual fans with children and such and even teens. Big mistake, in my view.

Why is this a big mistake? 9 P.M. on a tuesday night is a key night for some quality, or not so much quality, television shows to step up and gain some ratings. Bones, House, baseball games, basketball games, and even some stuff on Nick at Nite, TV Land, or such are examples. Sure, they don't seem like much, but they are still good ratings getters. My general fear for ECW will come next year from January through parts of the summer when it comes to that timeslot. Why? Two words: American Idol.

How and why am I bringing this annoying show up? It's because this and ECW will most likely be sharing the majority of their fans. Simply put, fans of ECW will and are most likely generating fans that watch American Idol and shows like it, which is what the WWE wanted in the first place. If and when the show returns, do you think those ECW fans are going to want to waste a minute watching ECW when they could see people screw up songs, or make a great impression? No, I don't think so. American Idol has a tendency to draw all types of viewers, including little kids, teens, families, etc. These are the people that ECW is trying to win and that the WWE wants to hold on to. As soon as this show comes back, ECW will take a ratings hit, like it did when the NBA playoffs and the NCAA playoffs were on.

Now, a show is considered a success on a network if it has ratings that pretty much outscore the other programs on its network. Basically, the reason ECW is still around is because it is still the highest-rated show on Sci-Fi. How long is that going to last if ECW's viewers are flipping between that and American Idol, or the MLB Playoffs or something? Putting ECW at 9 P.M. at night is putting it in the crosshairs of any and every halfway decent show that can grab the attention of the audience. At 10 P.M., they had something of a safe zone, since most shows that were on that could take from its audience were already done for the night. Now, it doesn't look good.

The only way to see for sure is to wait, watch if we choose, and see how well it does in the ratings during the week. But, if I'm the WWE, I'm trying my best to have good shows for ECW so the fans can get back into it, be it hardcore or casual, because if ratings are an issue for the company, then putting yourself in the crosshairs is the last thing you want to do.

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